Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “evil-mode”
A Note On X Where X = "Making Evil Mode Not Awkward With Zsh Completion In Doom Emacs Vterm"
Set pt value to pos fix awkward completion behavior in vterm.
(defun vterm-goto-char (pos) "Set point to POSITION for vterm. The return value is `t'when point moved successfully. It will reset to original position if it can't move there." (when (and vterm--term (vterm-cursor-in-command-buffer-p) (vterm-cursor-in-command-buffer-p pos)) (let ((moved t) (origin-point (point)) pt cursor-pos succ) (vterm-reset-cursor-point) ;; Anak: this line cause weird behavior with auto completion (setq cursor-pos (point)) ;; (setq pt cursor-pos) ;; Anak commented out this line (setq pt pos) ;; Anak added this line and completion in vterm works better.