Setup AWS credentials for your AWS account and create new user.
AWS credentials and configuration to your AWS account. AWS configuration file and credential file can be found at ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials.
Once that done, you can use the following to get your account information.
aws sts get-caller-identity It will not show secret key aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key which you have set. It will only show information of your account including: UserId, AccountId, Arn.
AWS users Note that 1 account has 1 root and can have many IAM user.
Society As A Function Of Attention.
Incentive is an underlying mechanism that drive society at any scale including individual, group of individuals, and human population as a whole.
Incentive is an abstract concept. Physically, incentives are driven by money, refer to my blog titled “Incentives of Owning Money” for more detail. Another important concept is to accept that money is an indirect form of freedom and power, refer to my blog titled “Blog Freedom and Power are two sides of the same coin” for more detail.
Time Travelers Guide To Navigate Git Commit History.
One of principle I follow is
never rely on others’ people goodwill. and always expect other to be evil when it is possible.
In quote , type of evil falls into incompetent evil and irresponsible evil. Putting this principle into practice, one must understand structures that govern behavior of people given a particular pursuit of goal.
In this scenario, I refers structure as git log and a particular pursuite of goal as learning and understanding a piece of code such as open source code.
Useful Emacs Command And Snippets For Writing
Scimax video on useful command related to writing can be found here.
Commands commands key doom keys custom keys descriptions capitalize-region
Using jq command tools to filter JSON.
This blog summarizes jq documentation’s tutorial 1.
If you can fully understand what the following command do, you don’t need read the rest of the blog. That’s pretty much sum up all jq can do.
curl '' | jq '[.[] | {message: .commit.message, name:, parents: [.parents[].html_url]}]' If you are still confused, read on.
There are only 4 concepts in jq shown below.
# pipelining jq '.[] | {name: [.key[].childkey]} ' # only apply to list jq '.
Using terminals in Doom Emacs.
To open multiple terminal, a neat trick is to rename file buffer that terminal is opened 1.
To open file from terminal, one can just M-x find-file in the terminal buffer.
stackoverflow: More than one emacs terminal ↩︎
Using Terraform to set up ec2 instances for data science projects.
Take Away you will learn how to automate ec2 setup using terraform that is suited for data science project. Tools EC2 Terraform Requirements Knowledge Requirements understand basic of how to create terraform project understand basic of how to set up ec2 instances System Requirements WSL/Ubuntu
I have only tested this in WSL install all dependencies of cuda
for list of software requirements, see https://www.
What Is X Where X Is Docker's Image?
Edit log [2022-07-25 Mon] I was following “What’s A Docker Image Anyway?" 1, but found that its content is no longer true, there are new changes to metadata of docker image, so I write this blog to reflect the changes that I observed at the time of writing.
docker -v Docker version 20.10.17 build 100c701 I write the following Dockerfile.
What the f*** is and its potential for mainstream adoption.
last edit [2022-06-26 Sun] One of my life long projects is to build an index protocol using tokenomics for thought sharing. For now, on [2022-06-26 Sun], I call it “The Forest.”
On [2022-06-26 Sun], I stumbled upon I was reading about it for a couple hours, and seems to share lots of philosophy that The Forest holds. Two hours in, however, I can’t seem to get a grip of some very basic stuff like how to read it?
Working with D-Bus in Linux's systemd.
Quoting “D-Bus integration in Emacs” 1, D-Bus is defined as followed
D-Bus is an inter-process communication mechanism for applications residing on the same host. The communication is based on messages. Data in the messages is carried in a structured way, it is not just a byte stream.
According to 1, name of client application is “a series of identifiers separated by dots”, but an application can install multiple objects under its name which are represents as path like syntax – separated by /.