Keybinding In Doom Emacs
Doom Emacs has its own keybinding system. A more accurate explaination is
Doom Emacs keybinding system is a wrapper over evil mode such that it is smoothly compatible with Emacs.
If you use Evil mode without Emacs configuration framework such as Spacemacs or Doom Emacs, it is frustrating to know if your keybinding is setup properly and whether it will always work as expected in any circumstances. A common point of failure is when your keybinding is overwritten by some packages.
Markdown Note
Blog blog X implementation where X = “markdown-preview” in Emacs implementation markdown-preview pass HTML file to browse-url browse-url has the following algorithm
prepare argument to use with specify url check for “url handle” (which is prefix to url e.g. file:) expand file name according to “url handle” find suitable function to browse url setup environment variable for display e.g. DISPLAY and WAYLAND_DISPLAY apply function with argument
Money Is A Type Of Token.
Edit History last edit on [2022-07-30 Sat] I can refine this blog more by consolidating the current content to my notes on roam research. I don’t have time to do this at the time of writing. In theory, there is no need for “medium” of exchange. Any exchange can be anything as long as seller and buyer agree upon. Therefore, one can argue that there will always exist a sequence of exchanges of agreements that satisfy any pair of sellers and buyers.
Most Efficient Workflow To "Lookup" Documentations On Programming Language.
The normal workflow of lookup documentation would be to search google, stack-overflow, etc. Alternatively, if you are using IDE, IDE will lookup documentation for you, for example goto-definition etc. Very convenience. What else do you need?
Although, searching online directly is not the best approach, it is everyone last line of defense. On the other hands, IDE is as good as it gets. However, the problem with IDE is that it is context specific.
My Citation Management Workflow.
there are three categories of note taking process
organize files. write notes on a file. search files and notes (aka completion in emacs) organize notes reference to file. First two are easy to achieve. Put notes and pdf files in folders does the job. The third condition is arguably not difficult neither. One can search for a file given a file directory quickly which can be done with any of the completion packages (e.
Note Taking Pipeline Framework.
I propose “Note Taking Pipeline Framework” as my take on how I implement my “second brain.” I would argue with a high degree of certainty that this framework is the best in the world without degree of exaggeration.
I think of note taking as a type of data storage with a property that satisfy my note taking philosophy. I wrote about philosophy of note taking in my blog titled “Philosophy and Meta Physics of ‘Notes Taking’".
Org Roam Bibtex Orb Note
Blog Connection between org roam bibtex (orb) and org ref. Org-ref manage citation entry, referenced citation, PDF, and note just fine. But the problem arise when trying to link notes created org-ref as a node in org roam. This is the problem that orb solve to allow PDF notes to be inserted as a org roam node. To summarize, the problem that orb solve to integrate org-ref functionalities into org-roam ecosystem.
Original OOP is fundamentally different to Modern OOP.
Modern OOP is misused and misunderstood. Modern OOP create an object to abstract over the object internal state. Originally, OOP is intended to be used to abstract objects over the most important processes that take place within environment in which objects exit. This is done by exposing interfaces that are capable of interacting with the outside world 1. In the other word, an object should be built to be resurgence, to protect itself from dynamic environment.
Running Docker Container With Dockerfile.
As an example, the goal is to run container that will download things hosted on the web and run some command DURING a docker launches (using ENTRYPOINT to run the command).
FROMubuntuRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install -y wgetRUN apt-get install -y unzipRUN apt-get install -y ffmpegRUN wget unzip vid-clips.zipENTRYPOINT ["ffmpeg" -i" clip-crf20.mp4" -c:v" libx264" -crf" 36" -c:a" copy" clip-out.mp4"]If you are not root user when you run apt-get install [package], you must confirm yes or no to installation which requires user input.