Error log: Error in private config: config.el, (error pdf-info-epdfinfo-program is not executable) and Dependcies conflicts while installing pdf-tools via pdf-tools-install.
Current Solution as of <2022-03-02 Wed>. The solution only works on doom emacs only, I found that pdf-tools must be install with init.el.
I had (package! pdf-tools) and :tools pdf. Dependencies conflict is caused by endable pdf-tools two different ways as shown.
I solved the problem by remove (package! pdf-tools) from packages.el and only keep :tools pdf.
Abit of backstory, I first encounter the problem at a very early stage of using doom emacs (first 2 weeks.
Evolution of Asset Transaction
Hello, guys
This essay is my interpretation of a discussion on “NFTing the World for the General Good” episode on Real Vision TV. The information in the essay are adapted to fit rational narrative that I have in my brain.
This is the beginning of the essay.
The four phases are categorized into the following
transaction an physical assets transaction of electron transaction of information transaction of digital assets Each phase increase efficiency of transactions which depends on three factors: object, process, and rules.
Freedom and Power are two sides of the same coin.
According to dictionary, freedom is defined as
The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Power is defined as
The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.
That’s is power is defined by abilities to restrict others’ freedom. Therefore, by definitions, an individual with more power has more freedom than others.
Getting source code of distributed binary package in Ubuntu
This stack exchange post state the following.
Debian and RPM packages don't contain source code, only the compiled result. However, you can fetch the source packages - SRPMS, or the Debian description, patch, and original tarball. That’s it. You can only download file that are provided in url where target deb file is located. Which files will be provided? Only package maintainers can determine that. Therefore, there could be a scenario where no source codes are available for download.
Git Workflow For Team
I intend to make this blog be a work-in-progress where I will keep adding useful git workflow when working with a team.
Pull Requests To do a pull-requests, you need to do the following
fork original repo. create new local branch and checkout to the new branch. commit new changes. send pull requests from new local branch from forked repo (origin) to original repo (upstream). Alternative to the pull-request workflow I mention above, it is possible to do pull-requests by using git forge 1, adding commit to new branch 2, and then do a pull requests to the target branch in remote.
How to Guarantee Serialization with Two-Phase Locking (2PL) with Example
This is a summary on Chapter 21.1 Two-Phase Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control from Fundamental of Database system by Pearson 2015.
The goal of this blog is to give a concrete example on how 2PL’s schedule is guaranteed to be serializable.
Figure 1: Figure 21.3
Figure 2: Figure 21.4
Figure <Figure_21.3> and figure <Figure_21.4> uses the same set of locks which is provided in Shared/Exclusive locks including read_lock, write_lock and unlock.
How to parse text with awk?
ref Awk Syntax awk '(PATTERN1){...print something..} (PATTERN2){..print something..}' awk 'PATTERN1{...print something..} PATTERN2{..print something..}' for each line, if PATTERNN is matched, command in {} will be executed.
syntax `awk ‘NR==1{print}’ [FILE]` `awk ‘NR==1’ [FILE]` note for line 1, print whole line `awk ‘NR==1{}’ [FILE]` note for line 1, {} = don’t do anything `awk ‘NR==1{print} {print}’ [FILE]` note {} without condition is the same as condition always set to True.
How to publish blog on Jekyll with example.
You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run `jekyll serve`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
Jekyll requires blog post files to be named according to the following format:
Where `YEAR` is a four-digit number, `MONTH` and `DAY` are both two-digit numbers, and `MARKUP` is the file extension representing the format used in the file.
how to publish hugo blog with org mode subtree?
Prerequisite of this blog assumes that you already setup hugo blog by going through hugo quick start documentation.
This blog is published via approaches presented in this blog.
Org mode subtree is just one of the bullet point (aka. header) within org mode. As the title suggested, this article publication workflow allows one to publish subsection of a content within one of org mode header as a full page article. Main advantage of this method is that user doesn’t need to move content from the original location.
How to set local variable for a specific mode?
This type of tutorial/question is best to present with an example. Given that I want to set compile-command variable for LaTex mode which applies to all buffer of this mode.
(defun set-compile-command-default-in-LaTeX-mode () (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command) ;; create local variable specific to a current buffer (format "" (buffer-file-name)))) (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'set-compile-command-default-in-LaTeX-mode)