Comprehensive review of snippets management tools in emacs. The best way to manage code snippets in emacs.
Personally, I think snippets is under untilize. Same as notes. The fact is people just don’t do neither snippets or notes.
I defined code snippet as followed
A collection of either small/large code which may store in single/multiple files that you will revisit against in the future.
Focusing on manging code snippets in emacs, few packages come to mind including: yassnipet, auto-yasnippet, yankpad, and code library.
In my workflow, to share code snippet with others, gists is needed.
Connection between org-roam-bibtex (orb), org-roam and org-ref.
Org-ref manage citation entry, referenced citation, PDF, and note just fine. But the problem arise when trying to link notes created org-ref as a node in org roam. This is the problem that orb solve to allow PDF notes to be inserted as a org roam node. To summarize, the problem that orb solve to integrate org-ref functionalities into org-roam ecosystem.
All org roam does is the following:
create name of a note file using org roam file name convention.
Cryptography Engineering
Blog blog Explaining X where X = Montgomery form for efficient multiprecision multiplication arithmetic. modular-arithmetic Prerequisites are the following
Residue class of modulo N is all \(a\) that satisfy \(a + kN\) where N is a constant and \(k \in \mathbb{Z}\). Montgomery multiplication is a method for performing fast modular multiplication.
The algorithm uses the Montgomery forms of \(a\) and \(b\) to efficiently compute the Montgomery form of \(ab \mod N\).
Dev Logs: Auto-YASnippet (aka aya) dive deep.
Dev logs is new blog series which dive deep into implementation level. The goal is to understand how things works. I figure this should be an interesting series because I always wanted to know how these program works underneath. Instead of explaining the whole code base, I will only focus on the “magical” part that sparked my interest the most.
Todays I present to you aya.
I started of the series with aya because, I think, it is a small package with the right portion of magic.
Don't pick between org roam and org brain. Use them together!!
ref list of dicussion about using org roam and org brain together Reddit post: org brain and org roam Org brain issue: (Idea) Org roam brain mode I personally use org roam to add notes. It is a great tools for connecting ideas and notes.
But if i am being honest, graph visualization is disspointingly useless. I am not I am not the only one.
Economic inside blockchain: How does supply-demand mechanism works in blockchain?
Gas and Denominations of coins Figure 1: Denominations of Ethers
In this section, we will focus on denominations of Ethers. The goal is to provide more concrete example into denomination of a coin.
If you are familiar with Etherem, we have heard Wei and GWei. These are not the only two denominators of Ethers. List of all denominators of Ether is shown in Fig. which is from Etherem yellow paper (aka.
Elisp Code to Find List of Top N MELPA Authors
;; (require 'url) (require 'cl-lib) (defvar url-http-end-of-headers) (defvar smelpa-json nil "Melpa recipe JSON data.") (defun smelpa-json () "Return an alist of MELPA recipe metadata." (or smelpa-json (setq smelpa-json (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously "") (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers) (json-read))))) (defun smelpa-packages-by-author () "Return alist of form: ((author . (package-url...)))." (let (authors) (cl-loop for (_ . data) in (smelpa-json) do (when-let ((props (alist-get 'props data)) (url (alist-get 'url props)) (parsed (url-generic-parse-url url)) (filename (url-filename parsed)) (tokens (split-string filename "/" 'omit-nulls)) (author (intern (car tokens)))) (if (alist-get author authors) (push url (alist-get author authors)) (push (cons author (list url)) authors)))) authors)) (defun smelpa-most-published-authors (n) "Return alist of form ((author .
Emacs Package Explained: How to customize key binding in evil modes?
This is my summary of a more thoroughly explained evil guide, see here.
Keymap Precendence in vanilla emacs overriding-terminal-local-map for terminal-specific key bind overriding-local-map keymap char property at point keymaps for the current character. Yasnippet keymaps are in this category. emulation-mode-map-alists. Apparently, its more multi-mode keymap management. I am not sure what this means, but if i have to guess it is used in modes that have its known key precedence or other complexity that its key binding system brings.
Emacs's Snippet Management Packages Still Use Text-Based Management? Just Use Sqlite!
By now, in <2022-12-08 Thu>, it should be conclusive that any type of contents are best organized/managed using database. Responsibilities of database includes retrieve/store data. That’s it.
However, emacs manages data as text. Advantages of this is simplicity, but, this argument doesn’t even work anymore. why? Emacs supports SQLite as built-in!
I like Emacs because of level of compatibility that it provides, but it frustrates me to realized that open source community is not as collaborative, as a result, Emacs slow to adopts.
Enable x11 display in WSL2
Resources are provided in my roam research note.
I successfully connect x-apps via x11 protocol by first installing and launching xming server. Xming application provides x11-server. Then, I need to tell the wsl2 “address and port of X11 server to connect wsl2 application to” (my note on x11 can be seen here) X11 server is enlisted as WSL2 entrusted DNS which located in resolve.conf. (my note on resolve.conf can be seen here.